Minestrone Soup with Italian Herb Olive Oil
1 large onion, diced
2 bell peppers, diced
3 cloves garlic minced
2 Tbsp. Italian Herb olive oil
1/2 lb. fresh mushrooms
2-3 stalks celery, rough sliced
2 tsp. Fennel seed
2 tsp. Basil, oregano and tarragon
2 carrots, chopped up
1 lb. Roma tomatoes
1 can garbanzo beans
1 can white kidney beans
1 c. Green peas, frozen
1 c. Dry white wine
2 cups chicken or veggie stock
1 package elbow macaroni
Salt and pepper to taste
Slowly sauté onions, peppers and garlic in Italian olive oil. When tender and transparent, add celery and carrots and slowly continue cooking about 3 more minutes. Add salt, pepper and herbs and cook 1 minute more. Add beans, peas, stock and wine and lower heat to low and slowly simmer for 30 minutes. Before serving, cook up pasta, but keep separate from soup. Add pasta to soup bowls and serve with warm fresh bread or a salad.